Friday, October 17, 2008

Walking For A Cure (Part 2!)

I was asked to follow up on my walk for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer with the American Cancer Society. The walk took place last Saturday, October 11th. There were more than 2,500 walkers on the beach that morning, and it was so awesome to see so many people all there for the same reason.

My team was "Katie's Pampered Pals," associated with the kitchen product company I'm an independent consultant with. :) My parents walked with me and the kids (in the photo above they are pulling the kids in their wagon...truly the worst idea my dad and I could have come up with, since it was SO heavy to pull that across the sand in certain spots). My friend Alyssa (aka Aunt LaLa to Megan and Jeremy!) also walked with us. The storms were trying to roll in but it didn't rain on us!

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive about this effort. I'm still collecting money through the end of this month (October), so let me know if you're interested in making a small donation.

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