It's amazing to me...before I had children, time moved relatively slow. But I guess time now moves at the same rate of speed that my children do these days...very, very quickly!!! I can't believe we're almost at the end of October already, but sure enough, November is less than a week away.
I found Halloween costumes for the kids, and half price to boot! I had to amend my plans...they're both going to be Elmo, but I think that this might be the only year that duplicate costumes will be "acceptable," so Steve and I decided we'd just do it. My friend Alyssa gave the kids trick-or-treat pails in the shape of Elmo's head, so they'll be matching top to bottom. :) I will make sure to post some photos once I have some. They're going to look so cute!
For anyone who hasn't already heard, I'm now an independent consultant for an international direct sales company that markets wonderful kitchen products (initials are PC). I've been a big fan of their products for years now, so it was basically inevitable. Through online training and demonstrations, I'm learning everything I can so that I'll be able to put together a very fun and educational presentation. And I've already got two shows booked...yikes! I'm a little nervous, but I think that's normal anytime someone starts a new business. So, if anyone wants to host a party, I'd be happy to help you out...and I would love to show you what the company has to offer! The host benefits are great, and the pricing is actually pretty reasonable.
OK, that's enough of a plug. :) Take care and talk to you soon.
Santa Visit 2013
11 years ago